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Wednesday, 14 May 2008

ygoow ile upload nasıl yapılır- resimli anlatım

1.Gmail'den elle kendimize hesap alıyoruz.Daha aldığımız hesaba kendimize aynı hesaptan davetiye gönderiyoruz. Bu işlemi yaptımız gmail hesabını Default upload for bölümüne yazacağız. Gmail hesaplarını moorhunt yardımı ile almak daha kolay! Moorhunt yardımı ie aldığımız gmail hesaplarıyla upload yapılabilir bu şekilde. Şimdilik program gmailden hesap alamıyor. arkadaslr yeni bir program buldum adi Ygoow ayni moorhunt ozellikleri openp2m gibi hizli ben dun bir film indirdim ve kucuk bir dosya upload ettim cok hizliydi mh bile. ben bunu oneri olarak buraya actim eger ilgi ve istek cok olursa bu programlada upload ve download ederiz alternatif bir program, cok kullanisli benim hosuma gitti aslinda siterseniz sizde deneyin derim.. download from here... programi indirmek icin burdan indirebilirsiniz.. Lutfen goruslerinizi program hakkinda ve denemek isterseniz sonucu bize bildirirseniz sitemize katkida bulunmus olursunuz.. saygilar..

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Image Grabber II.NET en son versionu [simdilik :D]

birde filmlerde caps alimini images grabber diye program var burdan indirebilirsin Kod: programi yukle sonra ac sonra file la tikla sol uste ordan filmi sec 1-eger film seridi olana tiklarsan otamatik olarak caps alir ve save yaparsin. 2-eger fotograf kamera icon a tiklarsan tek tek alirsin capslari option var ona tila oraya upladcu:aliaktepe BUrdaN indiriniz

Sunday, 3 February 2008

How to uplaod & Downloading with MoorHunt

How to download with Hash Codes using MoorHunt
1- Open MoorHunt 2- from Download Menu click "Start new download" like the image below
3- "Add new task" window will appear .. paste in it the Hash Code then Click "Add". see the image below
Durie uses mails to upload files (mails are secure places to store files) How to upload? 1-You have to create email account using MoorHunt (it is a very simple tool for creating email accounts). You can download MoorHunt here. See the images below. 2- Download the attached zipped file (DuriE-Me-0[1] Only registered users can download attachments 3- Extract "DuriE-Me-0[1]" 4- Open DuriE-Me- 5- Follow the steps in the image below 6 - A *.durie file will be created in your C:/ drive. So all you have to do is posting and attaching the *.durie file. Enjoy. HTTP configuration
* Click on "Sittings" icon
* "Sittings" window will appear.
1-choose "Upload Method" 2-Coose "HTTP" 3-if you have an email account then fill the login name in the Username text box Example: if the email was you should fill just "" without the quotes. 4-Type your password in the password text box. 5-Choose your mail server. 6-Click "Add" button. 7-If we finished configuration,click "save" button.
Splitting and Sending Files
Now we have to split the file which we will send * Click on "upload" icon and next on "Split file"
* Now, "Splitting file" window will appear
1-Choose the file you want to upload 2-Choose a folder to save the splitted files 3-Choose a suitable segment size (it is better to choose a size between 3-5 MB) 4-Choose "Draw file names" if you want to make allegory names for the segments. (this is an optional step). 5- write a password in the "Download password" in our forum it should be "". we need this password for merging the splitted files when downloaded from the mail server. 6-In "Edition password" text box write a password. With this password you can edit your upload (information for files, mails etc.), and only the uploader will change this files. 7-When you finish all the previous steps click on "Split" button to start splitting the file which you will upload. 8-When the operation finish, you must save split file on disc. 9-You will notice a strange code generated at the end of the operation. This is the "Hash Code". Copy the Hash Code and save it because you will need this code for adding mirrors and next with this code we will download files from servers.Now, click "send" button. * "Add task to upload" window will appear. In the HashCode area you can see your hash code generated before.Files to sending was automatically added, from last split.
1- Fill the "To" text box with the email addresses you want to send your splitted files to them. Note:you can type more than one email address just separate them with a comma or semicolon for example :,, 2-Click on "Send" button to start send splitted files to emails. * Before posting your Hash Code in the forum you have to add some informarion about mirrors to the Hash Code.So you have to generate a new Hash code.Click on "Add Mirror" from "Tools" menu.
* "Add mirror to HashCode" window will appear, in this window you can add mirrors.
1-In the "Source HashCode" area ,paste the hash code generated in the previous steps. 2-3-4 fill with the email informations where you have sended files. 5- Click on "Ok" button. * Next, in the lower area you can see a new hashcode, and this code have informations about frist mirror, where we can download files. If we want add next new mirrors, you have to copy the new hashcode to source area. For next mirrors you can do again this operation. Attention: you must add all mails, which you send files! MoorHunt don't generate hashcode when you send files. Some files shared in this forum can be downloaded using MoorHunt software. Please follow the below steps: 1.Make sure that you have Microsoft .net framework installed. You can download it from here. 2.Download MoorHunt from here ==> 3.Install MoorHunt by running the downloaded file MoorHunt.exe. 4.Run MoorHunt 5.Just click "*.durie file import " from the menu as shown in the image below. 6.Enjoy  Note: durie files have the extension (*.durie)

Monday, 28 January 2008

how to download from

learn how to download from The download speed on Divshare can be high, but it's not always that great. just be patience

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

RapidShare Manager (RSM) manuel New

RapidShare Manager (RSM)

The RapidShare Manager is a user friendly tool to upload and download files from The multiple setting possibility's allow the professional up- and downloading for beginners and experienced users. Upload is possible for premium, collector's and free user. Premium users can upload files with a file size up to 4.000 MB. Files bigger than 100 MB can only be downloaded by Premium users, unless the files have been a direct download and the traffic is paid by the file holder. Additional information to this feature can be found in the Premium Zone.


[ PREMIUM-Account ]
Please enter your login and password at Premium-Account in the settings. You can choose the upload method (premium, collector's zone or free user) for each file.
[ Upload ]
The upload of your files using Rapid Uploader is very simple. Choose the card Upload and drag all desired files to the list and drop them or click on the blue button and choose using the file chooser the files. All files have been added now and the upload starts. Upload can be made as Premiu, Collector's or Free user. You have the possibility to choose how many parallel uploads start at the same time.
[ RSM Link ]
You can create a RSM link to provide a lot of files within one link. The RSM link can be handled with the RSM. Choose the files to make a RSM link and then click on RSM. You can add a comment. The comment will be shown to everyone who downloads the files using the RSM link. Please be aware that the RSM link is only for the RSM and some users do not use the RSM. You should always provide an additional normal download link.
[ Download ]
Choose the card Download and click on the blue button. You can add any text. RSM will extract the RapidShare download links and check if the files are still available. You can choose which files to download by deselecting unwanted links in the link list. If desired you can determine the save location and add a note to the download. You can edit a note to a download within the download queue. Click with the right mouse button to see the option menu. Click on download to start the download. You can determine how many downloads are possible at the same time. Finished downloads can be viewed/started by double clicking the entry.
[ Account/Konfiguration ]
All in all the RapidUploader has a lot of settings, so everybody can set this tool up to his needs. Just download and check it out.


Various screenshots of RSM:


»Is this tool Freeware, does it contain Malware, Adware, etc.?
RapidShare Manager is an official Tool from It's free, guaranteed Adfree and does not contain any malicious software, hidden Ad-Programs or things like that.
»Where can I check if a newer RapidShare Manager Version is available?
This is not necessary! The tool is looking for the latest version on every startup. If an update is available, it will be installed automatically.
»I am not able to start the programm and receive only an error message.
To use RSM you have to install the .NET 2.0 Framework

Monday, 14 January 2008

How to download using P2M - peer to mail Nasil download(indirilir)

Peer2Mail is the first software that let you store and share files on any web-mail account. If you have a web mail account with large storage space, you can use P2M to store files on it. Web-mail providers such as Gmail (Google Mail), Walla!, Yahoo and more, provide storage space that ranges from 100MB to 5GB. P2M splits the file you want to share/store zips and encrypts it. P2M then sends the file segments one by one to your account. Once P2M uploaded all file segments, you can download them and use P2M to merge the segments back to the original file. How to download Get the latest version of P2M from here Install the program and open it follow the steps in the images below Download P2M 1-choose the email server you want to download from
P2m movies
2- copy & paste the username and password provided with each post.To retrieve the username and password, simply reply on the topic to unhide them.
P2m movies
3-click this icon to start searching for the segments in the mail
P2m movies
4-select the segments you want to download 5-type the decryption password.. usually , you will find this password in the same post of the username and password 6-click "Download" to start downloading
P2m movies
for more information and details about downloading by P2M please see this page

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Tarkan - Metamorfoz (2008) mp3 FULL ALBUM rapidshare

Tarkan - Metamorfoz (2008) mp3 FULL ALBUM rapidshare
Pop müziği sanatçısı Tarkan Tevetoğlu, yeni albümünün hem bu yaza hem de Türk pop müziğine damgasını vuracağını söyledi. Pop müziği sanatçısı Tarkan Tevetoğlu, yeni albümünün hem bu yaza hem de Türk pop müziğine damgasını vuracağını söyledi. Özel bir konser vermek için Antalya'ya gelen Tarkan Tevetoğlu, Antalya Hava Limanında gazetecilerin sorularını yanıtladı. Yeni albümünün bu yaz piyasaya çıkacağını ifade eden Tarkan Tevetoğlu, titiz olması nedeniyle son dakikada işlerin uzayabileceğini söyledi. Albümde Sezen Aksu'dan şarkılar da bulunduğunu belirten Tarkan, bu albümünün sözleri ve besteleriyle çok farklı olduğunu ifade ederek, 'En iyi albümüm bence... Hem yaza hem de Türk pop müziğine damgasını vuracak' dedi.
Albümdeki Sarkilar 01 - Vay Anam Vay 4:05 02 - Dilli Düdük 3:39 03 - Arada Bir 4:10 04 - İstanbul Ağlıyor 4:50 05 - Hop Hop 4:23 06 - Dedikodu 4:21 07 - Bam Teli 4:36 08 - Gün Gibi 4:59 09 - Çat Kapı 3:37 10 - Pare Pare 5:16 Albüm İsmi : Metamorfoz Sanatçı : Tarkan Tevetoğlu Albümde Yer Alan Şarkı Sayısı : 10 Türü : Pop Yapım Yılı : 2008
download or password:

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

mail resender upload/ nasil upload (yuklenir) yapilir Mailresender ile

One more feature of this program is the possibility to upload disk files, sending them from your account to the same or any other account. It offers two methods, HTTP and SMTP. 1. Add to the upper list those files you want to send. In our example, I want to send my holidays photos of Paris and London to a friend, so I select the two files and press the "arrow" button to enqueue them: 2. Write source account, original key, and destiny account/s. Select your desired method and server. Then press "Send" button to begin. NOTES: - In HTTP, it is only supported those servers in the list. In SMTP, you can write the full smtp server in case of that server is not in the list. - If you want to send a file to more than one direction, write the directions separated by commas. Example:,